Women's Ministry
High Tea Highlights
May 25, 2024
Dionne Hubbard
Brenda Burgo
1st Assistant
“Women of Excellence, Empowered by God”
It is our desire with the help of the Lord, that each woman will experience the will of God concerning them in this last hour, waiting for the coming of our Savoir Jesus Christ.
For each sister to learn why we are here as women of God, giving God all the praise.
She must be a p raiser. Keeping our families praying and be in the will of God. Doing all things
necessary to promote the word of God. Teaching youth and young ladies how to be clean and good housekeepers, excellence cooks, to dress as becoming holiness, and talking a Godly conversation,
giving each sister the word of God and not our opinions.
To teach each sister how to care for their church and encourage sisters, that they are somebody in
Christ, taking care of your families and yourself.
Be in good health, have integrity, set goals and most of all prosper as your soul doth prosper, looking
for the coming of the Lord Savior Jesus Christ.
Minister Dionne Hubbard, President
Deaconess Brenda Burgo, 1st Assistant